At Rua d’Olivença, Estoril
Estoril, Portugal
The street is short but they are many who look for a nice home here. For this apartment we have supplied 2 toilets in marble and one kitchen with black slate.
The guests-toilet is in Portuguese marble Ruivina, polished finishing. Dark pavement and skirting, contrasting with white painted walls. The vanity top, with our ‘modern design’ lavatory turned out to be an elegant piece to be admired by the guests.
The main bathroom was supplied in Indian Green marble for the floor, skirting and bathtub walls. At the countertop a big incorporated lavatory in the same marble has room for two – 2 taps!
The pavement of the kitchen is in Black Slate of our regular stock: 60*40*1cm dimension and natural cleft calibrated finishing.
A “brilliant-idea” near the end of the project originated the supply of small pieces in Onyx White, for the creation of small illuminated niches near the stairs. Totally adequate for back-lighted applications, this material involves the white light and offers a more comfy atmosphere.